(Combinatorica Package Symbol) Bridges[g] gives a list of the bridges of graph g, where each bridge is an edge whose removal disconnects the graph.
DilateVertices[v, d] multiplies each coordinate of each vertex position in list v by d, thus dilating the embedding. DilateVertices[g, d] dilates the embedding of graph g by ...
ShowLabeledGraph[g] displays graph g according to its embedding, with each vertex labeled with its vertex number.ShowLabeledGraph[g, l] uses the i\[Null]^th element of list l ...
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) Strings[l, n] constructs all possible combinatorial strings of length n from the elements of list l.
Arrow has been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel. New directive Arrowheads has been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel.
Color names are available in the new kernel function ColorData.
All the functionality in Miscellaneous`WorldNames` is now available in the built-in Mathematica kernel function CountryData.
The functionality of PrimitiveElement is now available in the newly added built-in Mathematica kernel function ToNumberField.
DendrogramPlot[list] constructs a dendrogram from the hierarchical clustering of list.DendrogramPlot[c] constructs a dendrogram from the Cluster object c.
QuarterTone is an interval list in which each semitone (100 cents) is split in two.