Mathematica 's interactive graphics capabilities let you determine the coordinates of a single point. You can also get arbitrary sequences of points and paths, and analyze ...
FactorTerms[poly] pulls out any overall numerical factor in poly. FactorTerms[poly, x] pulls out any overall factor in poly that does not depend on x. FactorTerms[poly, {x_1, ...
NumberFieldSignature[a] gives the signature of the field \[DoubleStruckCapitalQ][a] generated by the algebraic number a.
The Mathematica front end provides an Insert > Table/Matrix submenu for creating and editing arrays with any specified number of rows and columns. Once you have such an ...
PlotMarkers is an option for graphics functions like ListPlot and ListLinePlot that specifies what markers to draw at the points plotted.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Column[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}] is an object that formats with the expr_i arranged in a column, with expr_1 above expr_2, etc. Column[list, alignment] aligns each element ...
FindShortestTour[{e_1, e_2, ...}] attempts to find an ordering of the e_i that minimizes the total distance on a tour that visits all the e_i once.
BooleanGraph[bfunc, g_1, ..., g_n] gives the Boolean graph defined by the Boolean function bfunc on the graphs g_1, ..., g_n.
HITSCentrality[g] gives a list of authority and hub centralities for the vertices in the graph g.
GroupMultiplicationTable[group] gives the multiplication table of group as an array.