DeleteBorderComponents[image] replaces connected components adjacent to the border in a binary image image with background pixels.DeleteBorderComponents[m] replaces ...
DiracComb[x] represents the Dirac comb function giving a delta function at every integer point. DiracComb[x_1, x_2, ...] represents the multidimensional Dirac comb function.
DirectoryQ["name"] gives True if the directory with the specified name exists, and gives False otherwise.
DynamicEvaluationTimeout is an option for displayed objects, cells, and notebooks that specifies the timeout in seconds for any Dynamic computations they contain.
ExpandFileName["name"] textually expands name to have the form of an absolute file name for your operating system.
FieldMasked is an option to InputField that determines whether to mask user input.
FileExistsQ["name"] gives True if the file with the specified name exists, and gives False otherwise.
GapPenalty is an option for SequenceAlignment and related functions that gives the additional cost associated with each gap corresponding to a run of insertions or deletions.
GeoDestination[pos, {d, \[Alpha]}] gives the geodetic position reached by going distance d in azimuthal direction \[Alpha] from pos.
GeometricMeanFilter[image, r] filters image by replacing every value by the geometric mean of the values in its range r neighborhood. GeometricMeanFilter[data, r] applies ...