InverseDistanceTransform[image] gives the inverse distance transform of image, returning the result as a binary image.
KernelObject[n, name, ...] represents a kernel available for parallel computing.
Latitude[pos] gives the latitude in degrees of a geographic position specified by pos.Latitude[pos, datum] gives the latitude referring to the specified geodetic datum.
Legended[expr, lbl] indicates that a legend entry for expr should be created, with label lbl.
LibraryFunctionInformation[fun] returns information about a LibraryFunction.
LineIntegralConvolutionScale is an option to LineIntegralConvolutionPlot and related functions that determines the scale of the line integral convolution to be used.
Majority[e_1, e_2, ...] gives True if the majority of the e_i are True, and False if the majority are False.
MathieuGroupM24[] represents the sporadic simple Mathieu group M_24.
MaxFilter[image, r] filters image by replacing every value by the maximum in its range r neighborhood. MaxFilter[data, r] applies max filtering to an array of data.
MeanFilter[image, r] filters image by replacing every value by the mean value in its range r neighborhood. MeanFilter[data, r] applies mean filtering to an array of data.