(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Pruning[image] removes the outermost branches of thin objects in image by setting their values to black.Pruning[image, n] removes branches that are at most n pixels ...
RandomImage[max, {w, h}] gives an image of dimensions {w, h} with pseudorandom pixel values generated from a uniform distribution in the range 0 to max.RandomImage[{min, ...
Regularization is an option for Sum and Product that specifies what type of regularization to use.
SamplingPeriod is an option that specifies the sampling period of control system models.
SectorOrigin is an option to PieChart and related functions that specifies where sectors should start.
SignificanceLevel is an option to VarianceTest and similar functions that controls cutoffs for diagnostic tests as well as test conclusions.
SkeletonTransform[image] gives the skeleton transform of image, in which the value of each skeleton pixel is its distance to the nearest background ...
StabilityMargins is an option to frequency response plots such as BodePlot, NyquistPlot, and NicholsPlot that specifies the gain and phase margins to be shown on the plot.
StreamPoints is an option to StreamPlot, ListStreamPlot, and related functions that determines how many streamlines to draw.
TextRecognize[image] recognizes text in image and returns it as a string.