RealExponent[x] gives log_10 (|x|).RealExponent[x, b] gives log_b (|x|).
RiemannSiegelTheta[t] gives the Riemann\[Dash]Siegel function \[CurlyTheta](t).
RiemannSiegelZ[t] gives the Riemann\[Dash]Siegel function Z(t).
SinhIntegral[z] gives the hyperbolic sine integral function Shi(z).
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Sqrt[z] or Sqrt[z] gives the square root of z.
StieltjesGamma[n] gives the Stieltjes constant \[Gamma]_n. StieltjesGamma[n, a] gives the generalized Stieltjes constant \[Gamma]_n (a).
StirlingS2[n, m] gives the Stirling number of the second kind \[ScriptCapitalS]_n^(m).
TrigReduce[expr] rewrites products and powers of trigonometric functions in expr in terms of trigonometric functions with combined arguments.
WhittakerM[k, m, z] gives the Whittaker function M k, m (z).
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