int MLBytesToGet (MLINK link, int *n) calculates the number of bytes left to read in the textual representation of the current data and stores the result in n.
int MLBytesToPut (MLINK link, int *n) calculates the number of bytes remaining to be written in the textual representation of the current data, and stores the result in n.
void MLClose (MLINK link) closes a MathLink connection.
(Mathematica MathLink C Function) MLENV is a MathLink type representing a MathLink library environment.
int MLEvaluateString (MLINK link, char *string) sends a string to Mathematica for evaluation, and discards any packets sent in response.
int MLFlush (MLINK link) flushes out any buffers containing data waiting to be sent on link.
int MLGetData (MLINK link, char *b, int len, int *count) gets textual data from the MathLink connection specified by link, storing the result in a buffer b of maximum length ...
int MLGetInteger64 (MLINK link, mlint64 *i) gets a 64-bit integer from the MathLink connection specified by link and stores it in i.
int MLGetLinkedEnvIDString (MLINK link, const char ** e) returns the identification string of the MathLink environment connected to link and stores it in e.
MLMessageHandlerObject MLGetMessageHandler (MLINK link) returns the message handler function installed for the MLINK object link.