Animations can convey much more information than static displays. The built-in Mathematica functions Animate and ListAnimate provide an immediate way to construct animations ...
TokenWords is an option for Read and related functions which gives a list of token words to be used to delimit words.
$MachineAddresses gives a list of strings specifying the current IP addresses associated with the computer on which Mathematica is being run.
$MachineDomains is a list of strings giving the names of the current network domains associated with the computer on which Mathematica is being run.
PowerListToField[list] gives the field associated with list of element data parts list, where the elements are generated by successive powers of a primitive element.
CentsToHertz[{i_1, i_2, ...}] converts a list of intervals i_1, i_2, ..., measured in cents to a list of frequencies measured in Hertz, beginning at 440 ...
Combining methods from set theory, topology, and discrete mathematics, mathematical morphology provides a powerful approach to processing images and other discrete data. ...
Distribute[f[x_1, x_2, ...]] distributes f over Plus appearing in any of the x_i. Distribute[expr, g] distributes over g. Distribute[expr, g, f] performs the distribution ...
Variables[poly] gives a list of all independent variables in a polynomial.
PermutationLength[perm] returns the number of integers moved by the permutation perm.