Mathematica provides a convenient collection of platform-independent functions for manipulating names of files and directories. These functions can also be used to assemble ...
NonConstants is an option for D which gives a list of objects to be taken to depend implicitly on the differentiation variables.
NotebookInformation[] gives a list of properties of the current evaluation notebook.NotebookInformation[notebook] gives a list of properties for the specified notebook.
$CharacterEncodings gives the list of character encodings that can be used.
$ExportFormats gives a list of export formats currently supported in your Mathematica system.
GroupStabilizerChain[group] returns a list of successive stabilizers in group of the points in a base of group.
LatticeData[lattice, " property"] gives the specified property for a lattice.LatticeData[n] gives a list of named lattices of dimension n.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) D[f, x] gives the partial derivative \[PartialD]f/\[PartialD]x. D[f, {x, n}] gives the multiple derivative \[PartialD]^n f/\[PartialD]x^n. D[f, x, y, ...] differentiates f ...
InverseFourier[list] finds the discrete inverse Fourier transform of a list of complex numbers.
CheckboxBar[x, {val_1, val_2, ...}] represents a checkbox bar with setting x and with checkboxes for values val_i to include in the list x.CheckboxBar[Dynamic[x], {val_1, ...