(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: application/rtf RTF document file format. Used for cross-platform exchange of formatted text documents. Supported by most word processors. RTF is an acronym for ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Common MIME types: application/tga, image/tga, image/tga Truevision TARGA format. Raster image file format. Widely used in animation and video applications. Was native format ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Mathematica WDX data format. Used by the Mathematica system for storing and exchanging expressions and data. WDX is an acronym derived from Wolfram Data Exchange. Binary ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) ZPrint CAD format. Used with Z Corporation 3D printers. Native format of the ZEdit and ZPrint applications. Developed by Z Corporation. Stores a physical 3D model and color ...
DispersionEstimatorFunction is an option for generalized linear model fitting functions that specifies the estimator for the dispersion parameter.
DownValues[f] gives a list of transformation rules corresponding to all downvalues defined for the symbol f.
FindGraphIsomorphism[g_1, g_2] finds an isomorphism that maps the graph g_1 to g_2 by renaming vertices.
InversePermutation[perm] returns the inverse of permutation perm.
Mathematica has many powerful features which enable you to solve many kinds of equations.
FourierDCT[list] finds the Fourier discrete cosine transform of a list of real numbers.FourierDCT[list, m] finds the Fourier discrete cosine transform of type m.