Type Ctrl+DynamicBox[If[$OperatingSystem === MacOSX, T, D], ImageSizeCache -> {9., {0., 8.}}] or choose Graphics > Drawing Tools. For more information on each tool, click the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Pane[expr] displays as a pane containing expr. Pane[expr, w] makes the pane be w printer's points wide, linewrapping the contents if necessary.Pane[expr, {w, h}] makes the ...
Manipulator[x] represents a manipulator with setting x in the range 0 to 1. Manipulator[Dynamic[x]] takes the setting to be the dynamically updated current value of x, with ...
PopupMenu[x, {val_1, val_2, ...}] represents a popup menu with setting x and possible values val_i. PopupMenu[Dynamic[x], {val_1, ...}] takes the setting to be the ...
Mathematica notebooks consist of sequences of cells, which can be nested. The hierarchy of cells serves as a structure for organizing information in a notebook as well as ...
NotebookEventActions is a notebook option that gives a list of actions to perform when specified events occur in connection with the notebook.
This tutorial describes the principles behind Dynamic, DynamicModule, and related functions, and goes into detail about how they interact with each other and with the rest of ...
Checkbox[x] represents a checkbox with setting x, displayed as CheckboxBox[True] when x is True and CheckboxBox[False] when x is False. Checkbox[Dynamic[x]] takes the setting ...
The single command Manipulate lets you create an astonishing range of interactive applications with just a few lines of input. Manipulate is designed to be used by anyone who ...
The Wolfram Demonstrations Project has provided an invaluable resource for educators, book authors, hobbyists, and professionals alike. Most Demonstrations are contributed by ...