Unicode: F7D9. Infix operator with built-in evaluation rules. x y is by default interpreted as Equal[x,y] or x==y. \[LongEqual] is drawn longer than \[RawEqual]. Used as an ...
Unicode: 003D. Raw operator. Equivalent to the ordinary ASCII character with code 61.
Unicode: F400. Alias: Esc !=~ Esc. Infix similarity operator. x y is by default interpreted as NotEqualTilde[x,y].
Unicode: 2271. Alias: Esc !>= Esc. Infix ordering operator. x ≱ y is by default interpreted as NotGreaterEqual[x,y].
Unicode: F401. Alias: Esc !h= Esc. Infix similarity operator. x y is by default interpreted as NotHumpEqual[x,y].
Unicode: 2270. Alias: Esc !<= Esc. Infix ordering operator. x ≰ y is by default interpreted as NotLessEqual[x,y].
Unicode: F42B. Infix ordering operator. x y is by default interpreted as NotPrecedesEqual[x,y].
Unicode: 2288. Alias: Esc !sub= Esc. Infix set relation operator. x ⊈ y is by default interpreted as NotSubsetEqual[x,y].
Unicode: F42D. Infix ordering operator. x y is by default interpreted as NotSucceedsEqual[x,y].
Unicode: 2289. Alias: Esc !sup= Esc. Infix set relation operator. x ⊉ y is by default interpreted as NotSupersetEqual[x,y].