Unicode: F765. Alias: Esc , Esc. Structural element with built-in meaning. \[InvisibleComma] is by default not visible on display, but is interpreted on input as an ordinary ...
Unicode: F360. Alias: Esc is Esc. Spacing character. \[InvisibleSpace] is by default not visible on display, but is interpreted on input as an ordinary space. ...
Unicode: 2329. Alias: Esc < Esc. Matchfix operator. 〈 x 〉 is by default interpreted as AngleBracket[x]. Used in the form 〈x 〉 to indicate expected or average value. Called ...
Unicode: F603. Alias: Esc l| Esc. Matchfix operator. x is by default interpreted as BracketingBar[x]. Used in mathematics to indicate absolute value (Abs), determinant ...
Unicode: F605. Alias: Esc l|| Esc. Matchfix operator. x is by default interpreted as DoubleBracketingBar[x]. Used in mathematics to indicate taking a norm. Sometimes used ...
Unicode: F76B. Alias: Esc [ Esc. Letter-like form. Used in documenting control and command characters. key\[LeftModified]char\[RightModified] is used to indicate that char ...
Unicode: F761. Uninterpretable element. n is used on output to indicate n omitted pieces in an expression obtained from Short or Shallow. \[LeftSkeleton] indicates the ...
Unicode: 27F6. Alias: Esc --> Esc. Infix arrow operator. x ⟶ y is by default interpreted as LongRightArrow[x,y]. Not the same as \[Rule].
Unicode: 00B5. Alias: Esc mi Esc. Letter-like form. Used as a prefix in units to denote 10^-6. Not the same as \[Mu].
(Mathematica Character Name) Unicode: 03BC. Aliases: Esc m Esc, Esc mu Esc. Greek letter. Used in TraditionalForm for MoebiusMu. Not the same as \[Micro].