Find Next searches forward for the next occurrence of the text string entered in the Find dialog box.
Save saves the current notebook.
Send To launches your email application to email a notebook (Windows only).
Text Justification controls justification of cells with word wrapping.
Why the Beep? opens a dialog with an explanation of why the front end produced a beep.
AllowInlineCells is an option for cells that specifies whether inline cells are permitted within a cell.
AnimationCycleRepetitions is an option for cells that specifies the number of times a given animation cycle should be repeated.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Assert[test] represents the assertion that test is True. If assertions have been enabled, test is evaluated when the assertion is encountered. If test is not True, then an ...
AutoloadPath is a global option that specifies from which directories packages are automatically loaded when Mathematica is started.
AutoOpenNotebooks is a global option that specifies which notebooks should be automatically opened when Mathematica is started.