FactorTermsList[poly] gives a list in which the first element is the overall numerical factor in poly, and the second element is the polynomial with the overall factor ...
FileType["file"] gives the type of a file, typically File, Directory, or None.
FrameBoxOptions -> {opt_1 -> val_1, opt_2 -> val_2, ...} is an option for cells that specifies default settings.
FullDefinition[symbol] prints as the definitions given for symbol, and all symbols on which these depend.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Hold[expr] maintains expr in an unevaluated form.
IncludePods is an option for WolframAlpha that determines specific pod IDs to include in the results.
LimitsPositioningTokens is an option for selections that specifies a set of characters for which the option LimitsPositioning is set to True by default.
LineBreakWithin is an option for selections that specifies whether line breaks occur automatically when the end of a line is reached.
Negative[x] gives True if x is a negative number.
NonNegative[x] gives True if x is a non-negative number.