Unicode: 2204. Alias: Esc !ex Esc. Compound operator. ∄_xy is by default interpreted as NotExists[x,y].
Unicode: 226F. Alias: Esc !> Esc. Infix ordering operator. x ≯ y is by default interpreted as NotGreater[x,y]. ≯ is equivalent to ≤ only for a totally ordered set.
Unicode: 226E. Alias: Esc !< Esc. Infix ordering operator. x ≮ y is by default interpreted as NotLess[x,y]. ≮ is equivalent to ≥ only for a totally ordered set.
Unicode: 2280. Infix ordering operator. x ⊀ y is by default interpreted as NotPrecedes[x,y].
Unicode: 2284. Alias: Esc !sub Esc. Infix set relation operator. x ⊄ y is by default interpreted as NotSubset[x,y].
Unicode: 2281. Infix ordering operator. x ⊁ y is by default interpreted as NotSucceeds[x,y].
Unicode: 2285. Alias: Esc !sup Esc. Infix set relation operator. x ⊅ y is by default interpreted as NotSuperset[x,y].
Unicode: 2241. Alias: Esc !~ Esc. Infix similarity operator. x ≁ y is by default interpreted as NotTilde[x,y].
NotCongruent[x, y, ...] displays as x \[NotCongruent] y \[NotCongruent] ....
NotExists[x, y] displays as \[NotExists] _x y.