AccountingForm[expr] prints with all numbers in expr given in standard accounting notation. AccountingForm[expr, n] prints with numbers given to n-digit precision.
p_1 | p_2 | ... is a pattern object which represents any of the patterns p_i.
AutoGeneratedPackage is an option for notebooks that specifies whether a package is automatically created when a notebook that contains initialization cells or groups is ...
AutoMultiplicationSymbol is an option for objects such as Cell and Notebook that specifies whether to automatically display a multiplication symbol between numbers that would ...
BoxBaselineShift is an option for AdjustmentBox that specifies how much the baseline of the box should be shifted relative to those of neighboring characters.
BoxFrame is an option for FrameBox objects that specifies whether to draw a frame around the contents of the box.
BoxStyle is an option for three-dimensional graphics functions that specifies how the bounding box should be rendered.
CellEvaluationFunction is an option to Cell which gives a function to be applied to every expression from the cell that is sent to the kernel for ordinary evaluation.
CheckAbort[expr, failexpr] evaluates expr, returning failexpr if an abort occurs.
ClearAttributes[s, attr] removes attr from the list of attributes of the symbol s.