NotLeftTriangleBar[x, y, ...] displays as x \[NotLeftTriangleBar] y \[NotLeftTriangleBar] ....
NotNestedGreaterGreater[x, y, ...] displays as x \[NotNestedGreaterGreater] y \[NotNestedGreaterGreater] ....
NotNestedLessLess[x, y, ...] displays as x \[NotNestedLessLess] y \[NotNestedLessLess] ....
NotRightTriangleBar[x, y, ...] displays as x \[NotRightTriangleBar] y \[NotRightTriangleBar] ....
Overflow[] represents a number too large to represent explicitly on your computer system.
Underflow[] represents a number too small to represent explicitly on your computer system.
The way modules work in Mathematica is basically very simple. Every time any module is used, a new symbol is created to represent each of its local variables. The new symbol ...
When you do long calculations, it is often convenient to give names to your intermediate results. Just as in standard mathematics, or in other computer languages, you can do ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) lhs = rhs evaluates rhs and assigns the result to be the value of lhs. From then on, lhs is replaced by rhs whenever it appears. {l_1, l_2, ...} = {r_1, r_2, ...} evaluates ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) lhs =!= rhs yields True if the expression lhs is not identical to rhs, and yields False otherwise.