Complexes represents the domain of complex numbers, as in x \[Element] Complexes.
ControlActive[act, norm] evaluates to act if a control that affects act is actively being used, and to norm otherwise.
Convergents[list] gives a list of the convergents corresponding to the continued fraction terms list.Convergents[x, n] gives the first n convergents for a number ...
CreateDocument[] creates an empty document notebook and opens it in the front end.CreateDocument[expr] creates and opens a document notebook containing the expression ...
CreatePalette[expr] creates a palette notebook containing expr, and opens it in the front end.CreatePalette[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}] creates and opens a palette notebook ...
CreateWindow[] creates an empty window in the front end.CreateWindow[nb] creates a window displaying the notebook expression nb, and opens it in the front ...
DGaussianWavelet[] represents a derivative of Gaussian wavelet of derivative order 2.DGaussianWavelet[n] represents a derivative of Gaussian wavelet of derivative order n.
DialogReturn[expr] closes a dialog window, returning the expression expr from the dialog.DialogReturn[] closes a dialog window, returning Null.
DihedralGroup[n] represents the dihedral group of order 2 n.
DirectedEdges is an option for Graph, GraphPlot, and related functions that specifies whether edges should be taken to be directed.