There are a number of features of the GUIKit framework that aid deployment of user interface definitions with your own AddOns so that they can be easily executed when needed. ...
This example demonstrates various techniques for designing a progress bar dialog and a number of options available to wrap the reusable widget involved. Here is one technique ...
FindHamiltonianCycle[g] attempts to find a Hamiltonian cycle.
(Numerical Calculus Package Symbol) NResidue[expr, {z, z_0}] numerically finds the residue of expr near the point z = z_0.
In addition to importing ZIP files stored on your machine, Mathematica can also import ZIP files directly from a URL. In most cases, processing data in ZIP files is ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: chemical/x-pdb Protein Data Bank PDB files. 3D molecular model file. Used in bioinformatics applications and on the web for storing and exchanging molecule models. ...
BreadthFirstScan[g, s, {"event_1" -> f_1, "event_2" -> f_2, ...}] performs a breadth-first scan (bfs) of the graph g starting at the vertex s and evaluates f_i whenever ...
EstimatorGains[ss, {p_1, p_2, ..., p_n}] gives the estimator gain matrix for the StateSpaceModel object ss, such that the poles of the estimator are p_i.
FilledCurve[{segment_1, segment_2, ...}] represents a filled curve consisting of segment_1 followed by segment_2 etc. FilledCurve[{component_1, component_2, ...}] represents ...
GraphicsGrid[{{g_11, g_12, ...}, ...}] generates a graphic in which the g_ij are laid out in a two-dimensional grid.