(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Fit[data, funs, vars] finds a least-squares fit to a list of data as a linear combination of the functions funs of variables vars.
NegativeMultinomialDistribution[n, p] represents a negative multinomial distribution with parameter n and failure probability vector p.
ParallelCombine[f, h[e_1, e_2, ...], comb] evaluates f[h[e_1, e_2, ...]] in parallel by distributing parts of the computation to all parallel kernels and combining the ...
FindEulerianCycle[g] finds an Eulerian cycle in the graph g if one exists.FindEulerianCycle[g, k] finds at most k Eulerian cycles.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) NSum[f, {i, i_min, i_max}] gives a numerical approximation to the sum \[Sum]i = i_min i_max f.NSum[f, {i, i_min, i_max, di}] uses a step di in the sum.
(Hierarchical Clustering Package Symbol) LeafLabels is an option for DendrogramPlot that specifies labels for the dendrogram leaves.
LegendSize is an option for Legend which specifies the size of a legend box.
AbsoluteThickness[d] is a graphics directive which specifies that lines which follow are to be drawn with absolute thickness d.
CanberraDistance[u, v] gives the Canberra distance between vectors u and v.
CosineDistance[u, v] gives the angular cosine distance between vectors u and v.