LaunchKernels[] launches all currently configured parallel subkernels.LaunchKernels[n] launches n local subkernels on the current computer.LaunchKernels[des] launches a ...
Regress and DesignedRegress are now available using the built-in function LinearModelFit. The function DesignMatrix has been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel. The ...
FileNames[] lists all files in the current working directory. FileNames[form] lists all files in the current working directory whose names match the string pattern form. ...
$DistributedContexts is the default value of the DistributedContexts option of functions such as ParallelTable and ParallelMap.
The CCompilerDriver package lets you work with C compilers that are installed on your computer. It is used automatically by the Mathematica compiler when you set the option ...
LiftingFilterData[...] represents lifting-filter data used to compute forward and inverse lifting wavelet transforms.
The basic idea behind the "StiffnessSwitching" method is to provide an automatic means of switching between a nonstiff and a stiff solver. The "StiffnessTest" and ...
Widgets created within a user interface definition can be named and registered in an object registry for easy lookup reference by script code and other widgets. Complete ...
Mathematica stores preference settings and initialization data in two directories, $BaseDirectory and $UserBaseDirectory. Within each of these directories are several ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: application/x-texTeX typesetting system and programming language. Commonly used for typesetting mathematical and scientific publications and other technical ...