ConvexHullArea[{{x_1, y_1}, ..., {x_n, y_n}}] gives the area of the convex hull of the bivariate data.
Characteristic[f] gives the characteristic of the field f.
ExtensionDegree[f] gives the degree of the extension of the field f over its base field.
FieldIrreducible[f, s] gives the irreducible polynomial in the symbol s associated with the field f.
PolynomialToElement[f, poly] gives an element in the field f corresponding to the univariate polynomial poly with integer coefficients.
ReduceElement[e] gives a field element in reduced form.
HertzToCents[{freq_1, freq_2, ...}] converts a list of frequencies freq_1, freq_2, ..., measured in Hertz to a list of intervals measured in cents.
AgeOfUniverse is the age of the universe, a physical constant.
BohrRadius is the Bohr radius, an atomic constant.
CosmicBackgroundTemperature is the temperature of the cosmic background radiation.