(Units Package Symbol) Yocto is the SI unit prefix denoting 10 -24.
(Units Package Symbol) Yotta is the SI unit prefix denoting 10^24.
(Units Package Symbol) Zepto is the SI unit prefix denoting 10 -21.
(Units Package Symbol) Zetta is the SI unit prefix denoting 10^21.
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(Computer Arithmetic Package Symbol) NaN is the symbol used by the functions in the Computer Arithmetic Package to represent a nonrepresentable number.
(Quaternions Package Symbol) J represents a quaternion unit with J^2 == -1.
Quaternions is an option for PrimeQ which specifies whether factorization should be done over the quaternions.
UnitQuaternions gives a list of the 24 units in the ring of integer quaternions.
$VersionNumber is a real number which gives the current Mathematica kernel version number, and increases in successive versions.