This package implements Hamilton's quaternion algebra. Quaternions have the form a+bi+cj+dk where a, b, c, and d are real numbers. The symbols i, j, and k are multiplied ...
The functions defined in Music` allow you to make conversions between cents and hertz, and play scales in one of the common tuning systems, or in a user-specified tuning ...
TetGen is a quality tetrahedral mesh generator and a three-dimensional Delaunay triangulator. TetGenLink is a Mathematica application that uses Wolfram Library Link to link ...
This package provides functions for the generation of standard waveforms and waveforms with user-specified spectra, the synthesis of amplitude and frequency modulated ...
There are many systems of units. The particular set of units that is used depends on factors as various as the field of study and the author's country of origin. The function ...