InversePermutation[p] yields the multiplicative inverse of permutation p.
MinimumSpanningTree[g] uses Kruskal's algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree of graph g.
OrientGraph[g] assigns a direction to each edge of a bridgeless, undirected graph g, so that the graph is strongly connected.
RandomPartition[n] constructs a random partition of integer n.
RandomSubset[l] creates a random subset of set l.
StableMarriage[mpref, fpref] finds the male optimal stable marriage defined by lists of permutations describing male and female preferences.
TableauClasses[p] partitions the elements of permutation p into classes according to their initial columns during Young tableaux construction.
Tableaux[p] constructs all tableaux having a shape given by integer partition p.
ToCycles[p] gives the cycle structure of permutation p as a list of cyclic permutations.
(Computational Geometry Package Symbol) AllPoints is an option to ConvexHull that specifies whether all distinct points on the hull or only the minimum set of points needed to define the hull are returned.