PolynomialLCM[poly_1, poly_2, ...] gives the least common multiple of the polynomials poly_i. PolynomialLCM[poly_1, poly_2, ..., Modulus -> p] evaluates the LCM modulo the ...
BarSpacing is an option to BarChart and related functions that controls the spacing between bars and groups of bars.
PlotRegion is an option for graphics functions that specifies what region of the final display area a plot should fill.
FactorList[poly] gives a list of the factors of a polynomial, together with their exponents.
ComponentMeasurements[m, " prop"] computes the values of property prop for each component of a label matrix m that consists of identical elements.ComponentMeasurements[image, ...
Matrix inversion. Here is a simple 2×2 matrix. This gives the inverse of m. In producing this formula, Mathematica implicitly assumes that the determinant ad-bc is nonzero.
PatternSequence[p_1, p_2, ...] is a pattern object which represents a sequence of arguments matching p_1, p_2, ....
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Streams[] gives a list of all streams that are currently open. Streams["name"] lists only streams with the specified name.
IsomorphicGraphQ[g_1, g_2] yields True if the graphs g_1 and g_2 are isomorphic, and False otherwise.
Even more so than for other special functions, you need to be very careful about the arguments you give to elliptic integrals and elliptic functions. There are several ...