Unicode: 2318. Alias: Esc cl Esc. Letter-like form. Used on Macintosh and other computers to indicate command keys.
(Mathematica Character Name) Unicode: F3A0. Alias: Esc null Esc. Letter-like form. Can be used to place subscripts and superscripts without having a visible base.
SurvivalDistribution[{e_1, e_2, ...}] represents a survival distribution with event times e_i.SurvivalDistribution[{w_1, w_2, ...} -> {e_1, e_2, ...}] represents a survival ...
ControllerInformation[] gives dynamically updated information on currently connected controller devices.
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: text/xml XML general-purpose markup language and structured document format. Primarily used for the exchange of data across different systems in computer networks. ...
RootMeanSquare[list] gives the root mean square of values in list.
Mathematica provides a full suite of tools needed for the classical analysis and design of control systems, leveraging Mathematica's hybrid symbolic-numeric arithmetic ...
MaximalIndepndentEdgeSet[g] gives a maximal independent edge set of an undirected graph g.
JacobiCS[u, m] gives the Jacobi elliptic function cs(u | m).
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Unique[] generates a new symbol, whose name is of the form $nnn. Unique[x] generates a new symbol, with a name of the form x$nnn. Unique[{x, y, ...}] generates a list of new ...