$Aborted is a special symbol that is returned as the result from a calculation that has been aborted.
$LicenseID is a string that gives the license ID under which Mathematica is being run.
$Notebooks is True if Mathematica is being used with a notebook-based front end.
GenomeData["gene"] gives the DNA sequence for the specified gene on the reference human genome.GenomeData["gene", " property"] gives the value of the specified property for ...
Finding memory usage. Particularly for symbolic computations, memory is usually the primary resource which limits the size of computations you can do. If a computation runs ...
SubscriptBox[x, y] is the low-level box representation for x_y in notebook expressions.
SuperscriptBox[x, y] is the low-level box representation for x^y in notebook expressions.
Unicode: 2210. Alias: Esc coprod Esc. Infix operator. x ∐ y is by default interpreted as Coproduct[x,y]. ∐ x is by default interpreted as Coproduct[x]. Coproduct is used as ...
Unicode: 2193. Infix arrow operator. x ↓ y is by default interpreted as DownArrow[x,y]. Used to indicate monotonic decrease to a limit. Sometimes used for logical nor. ...
Unicode: F7D4. Alias: Esc ent Esc. Letter-like form. Representation of the Enter key on a keyboard. Used in describing how to type textual input.