TraceDialog[expr] initiates a dialog for every expression used in the evaluation of expr. TraceDialog[expr, form] initiates a dialog only for expressions which match form. ...
UpValues[f] gives a list of transformation rules corresponding to all upvalues defined for the symbol f.
LongestCommonSequence[s_1, s_2] finds the longest sequence of contiguous or disjoint elements common to the strings or lists s_1 and s_2.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Permute[expr, perm] permutes the positions of the elements of expr according to the permutation perm.Permute[expr, gr] returns the list of permuted forms of expr under the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) TagBox[boxes, tag] is a low-level box construct that displays as boxes but maintains tag to guide the interpretation of boxes on input.
DiagonalMatrix[list] gives a matrix with the elements of list on the leading diagonal, and 0 elsewhere. DiagonalMatrix[list, k] gives a matrix with the elements of list on ...
Throughout any computation, Mathematica maintains an evaluation stack containing the expressions it is currently evaluating. You can use the function Stack to look at the ...
ChangeEdges[g, e] replaces the edges of graph g with the edges in e. e can have the form {{s_1, t_1}, {s_2, t_2}, ...} or the form {{{s_1, t_1}, gr_1}, {{s_2, t_2}, gr_2}, ...
ChangeVertices[g, v] replaces the vertices of graph g with the vertices in the given list v. v can have the form {{x_1, y_1}, {x_2, y_2}, ...} or the form {{{x_1, y_1}, ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) End[] returns the present context, and reverts to the previous one.