f /: lhs =. removes any rules defined for lhs, associated with the symbol f.
$ControlActiveSetting is a symbol whose value is True if it is evaluated while a control is active, or in certain other previewing situations.
$MachineID is a string that gives, if possible, a unique identification code for the computer on which Mathematica is being run.
ImageDimensions[image] gives the pixel dimensions of the raster associated with an Image object image.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Null is a symbol used to indicate the absence of an expression or a result. It is not displayed in ordinary output. When Null appears as a complete output expression, no ...
$NumberMarks gives the default value for the option NumberMarks, which specifies whether ` marks should be included in the input form representations of approximate numbers.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Complex is the head used for complex numbers.
The standard front end interface, as discussed in "Using a Notebook Interface", is appropriate for most users' purposes. In some cases, however, you may not need to use the ...
ArrayPlot[array] generates a plot in which the values in an array are shown in a discrete array of squares.
Mathematica notebooks provide a sophisticated environment for creating technical documents. But particularly if you want to merge your work with existing material in TeX, you ...