Unicode: 039E. Aliases: Esc X Esc, Esc Xi Esc. Greek letter. Not commonly used. Used for grand canonical partition function, cascade hyperon and regular language complexity.
Unicode: 03B5. Aliases: Esc ce Esc, Esc cepsilon Esc. Greek letter. Not the same as \[Element]. Used in physics for Fermi energy and dielectric constant.
Unicode: 03D1. Aliases: Esc cq Esc, Esc cth Esc, Esc ctheta Esc. Greek letter. Used in TraditionalForm for EllipticTheta and RiemannSiegelTheta.
Unicode: 03DD. Aliases: Esc di Esc, Esc digamma Esc. Special Greek letter. Analogous to English w. Sometimes used to denote PolyGamma[x].
Unicode: 0131. Letter. Used when an i will have an overscript on top. May or may not match the ordinary i from the text font.
Unicode: 03F5. Aliases: Esc e Esc, Esc epsilon Esc. Greek letter. Not the same as \[Element].
(Mathematica Character Name) Unicode: 03B7. Aliases: Esc et Esc, Esc eta Esc, Esc h Esc. Greek letter. Used in TraditionalForm for DedekindEta.
Unicode: 03B3. Aliases: Esc g Esc, Esc gamma Esc. Greek letter. Used in TraditionalForm for EulerGamma and StieltjesGamma.
Unicode: F3CE. Alias: Esc hc Esc. Superscript postfix operator with built-in evaluation rules. m^ is by default interpreted as ConjugateTranspose[m]. Not the same as ...
Unicode: 03DF. Aliases: Esc ko Esc, Esc koppa Esc. Special Greek letter. Analogous to English q. Appeared between π and ρ in early Greek alphabet; used for Greek numeral 90.