(Units Package Symbol) Liter is a unit of volume.
(Units Package Symbol) Ounce is a unit of weight.
(Units Package Symbol) Pint is a unit of volume.
(Units Package Symbol) Pound is a unit of weight.
SymbolicMathMLToExpression[smml] converts the MathML-flavored SymbolicXML structure, smml, into a Mathematica expression. The output is in the form of content MathML, ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Spacer[w] displays as a spacer w printer's points wide.Spacer[{w, h}] displays as a spacer w points wide and a total of h points high.Spacer[{w, h, dh}] makes the spacer ...
CUDADriverVersion[] gives the version of the installed NVIDIA driver.
DoModal[] does not return until the Java side sends an expression of the form EvaluatePacket[EndModal[args]].
SymbolicOpenCLBlockDimension[dim] is a symbolic representation of an OpenCL kernel block dimension call.
SymbolicOpenCLBlockIndex[dim] is a symbolic representation of an OpenCL kernel block index call.