Unicode: 21A5. Infix arrow operator. x ↥ y is by default interpreted as UpTeeArrow[x,y]. Extensible character.
Unicode: 22A5. Alias: Esc uT Esc. Infix relational operator. x ⊥ y is by default interpreted as UpTee[x,y]. Used in geometry to indicate perpendicular. Used in number theory ...
Unicode: 2240. Infix operator. x ≀ y is by default interpreted as VerticalTilde[x,y]. Used in mathematics to mean wreath product.
(Mathematica Character Name) Unicode: 22BB. Alias: Esc xor Esc. Infix operator with built-in evaluation rules. x ⊻ y is by default interpreted as Xor[x,y].
Word Wrapping opens a submenu of word wrapping styles
EntropyFilter[image, r] filters image by replacing every value by the information entropy of the values in its range r neighborhood. EntropyFilter[data, r] applies entropy ...
FrontEndStackSize is a global option that specifies the size of the stack used to store data in the front end (Macintosh only).
ImageRegion is an option for cells that specifies the size and position of the bounding box within which a graphic is rendered.
IntegerLength[n] gives the number of digits in the base 10 representation of the integer n.IntegerLength[n, b] gives the number of digits in the base b representation of n.
MorphologicalGraph[image] gives a graph object that represents the connectivity of the morphological branch points and endpoints of the objects in image after applying ...