One of the key problems in graphs is navigation. In particular, the problem is finding the shortest path between two vertices, whether that is finding the way out of a maze ...
GroupOrder[group] returns the number of elements of group.
In an expression like f[x], the 'function name' f is itself an expression, and you can treat it as you would any other expression. You can replace names of functions using ...
Mathematica usually keeps the elements of a list in exactly the order you originally entered them. If you want to treat a Mathematica list like a mathematical set, however, ...
Uniform sequence of signed 128-bit integers. Binary data format.
Uniform sequence of signed 16-bit integers. Binary data format.
Uniform sequence of signed 24-bit integers. Binary data format.
FindList["file", " text"] gives a list of lines in the file that contain the specified string. FindList["file", {"text_1", "text_2", ...}] gives a list of all lines that ...
GroupElementPosition[group, g] returns the position of the element g in the list of elements of group.GroupElementPosition[group, {g_1, ..., g_n}] returns the list of ...
PlotMarkers is an option for graphics functions like ListPlot and ListLinePlot that specifies what markers to draw at the points plotted.