p ... or RepeatedNull[p] is a pattern object that represents a sequence of zero or more expressions, each matching p.
SampledSoundList[{a_1, a_2, ...}, r] is a sound primitive that represents a sound whose amplitude has levels a_i sampled r times a second.
s_1 ~~ s_2 ~~ ... or StringExpression[s_1, s_2, ...] represents a sequence of strings and symbolic string objects s_i.
TextData[exprs] is a low-level representation of the contents of a textual cell.
VertexInComponent[g, {v_1, v_2, ...}] gives the vertices in the graph g that have a directed path to at least one of v_1, v_2, ....VertexInComponent[g, {v_1, v_2, ...}, k] ...
$MinNumber gives the minimum positive arbitrary-precision number that can be represented on a particular computer system.
$NewSymbol is a global variable which, if set, is applied to the name and context of each new symbol that Mathematica creates.
Modules in Mathematica allow you to treat the names of variables as local. Sometimes, however, you want the names to be global, but values to be local. You can do this in ...
[BerntEspGenz91] Berntsen, J., T. O. Espelid, and A. Genz. "An Adaptive Algorithm for the Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals." ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 17, no. 4 ...
Mathematica's symbolic architecture allows a unique representation and treatment of images in both programs and documents. Mathematica supports images with arbitrary numbers ...