WindowOpacity is a notebook option that determines the overall opacity of a displayed window.
$AssertFunction specifies a function to apply to assertions that fail.
$DisplayFunction gives the default setting for the option DisplayFunction in graphics functions.
$InputFileName is a global variable whose value is the absolute file name of the input file from which input to Mathematica is currently being sought.
$Inspector is a global variable which gives a function to apply when the inspector is invoked from an interrupt menu.
$MachineAddresses gives a list of strings specifying the current IP addresses associated with the computer on which Mathematica is being run.
Mathematica stores preference settings and initialization data in two directories, $BaseDirectory and $UserBaseDirectory. Within each of these directories are several ...
There will probably be times when you want to stop Mathematica in the middle of a calculation. Perhaps you realize that you asked Mathematica to do the wrong thing. Or ...
void UTF8String_disown (char*s) disowns a string argument.
ExposeWidgetReferences is an option to Widget which specifies a list of normally internal \:f3b5children widget reference names to include as publicly available instances.