MathieuGroupM24[] represents the sporadic simple Mathieu group M_24.
MatrixRank[m] gives the rank of the matrix m.
MaxMixtureKernels is an option for SmoothKernelDistribution and related functions that specifies the maximum number and location of kernel functions to use in the estimation.
MenuSortingValue is an option for cells and notebooks that specifies where a cell style, stylesheet, or palette is listed in the Format \[FilledRightTriangle] Style submenu, ...
MorphologicalBinarize[image, {t_1, t_2}] creates a binary image from image by replacing all values above the upper threshold t_2 with 1, also including pixels with ...
Notebooks[] gives a list of notebooks currently open in the front end.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) NRoots[lhs == rhs, var] yields a disjunction of equations which represent numerical approximations to the roots of a polynomial equation.
PolynomialQ[expr, var] yields True if expr is a polynomial in var, and yields False otherwise. PolynomialQ[expr, {var_1, ...}] tests whether expr is a polynomial in the var_i.
PreserveImageOptions is an option to graphics and related functions that specifies whether image size and certain other options should be preserved from the previous version ...
PrintingOptions -> {opt_1 -> val_1, opt_2 -> val_2, ...} is an option that specifies settings for printing.