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FormBox   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
FormBox[boxes, form] is a low-level box construct which displays as boxes but specifies that rules associated with form should be used to interpret boxes on input.
SyntaxForm   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
SyntaxForm is an option for InterpretationBox and TagBox objects that specifies the precedence level to use when the InterpretationBox or TagBox is considered as an operator.
AccountingForm   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
AccountingForm[expr] prints with all numbers in expr given in standard accounting notation. AccountingForm[expr, n] prints with numbers given to n-digit precision.
StringForm   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
StringForm["controlstring", expr_1, ...] prints as the text of the controlstring, with the printed forms of the expr_i embedded.
NumberForm   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
NumberForm[expr, n] prints with approximate real numbers in expr given to n-digit precision.
MathMLForm   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
MathMLForm[expr] prints as a MathML form of expr.
EngineeringForm   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
EngineeringForm[expr] prints with all real numbers in expr given in engineering notation. EngineeringForm[expr, n] prints with numbers given to n-digit precision.
PrecedenceForm   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
PrecedenceForm[expr, prec] prints with expr parenthesized as it would be if it contained an operator with precedence prec.
Parts of Expressions   (Mathematica Tutorial)
Since lists are just a particular kind of expression, it will come as no surprise that you can refer to parts of any expression much as you refer to parts of a list. This ...
TreeForm   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
TreeForm[expr] displays expr as a tree with different levels at different depths. TreeForm[expr, n] displays expr as a tree only down to level n.
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