ChampernowneNumber[b] gives the base-b Champernowne number C_b.ChampernowneNumber[] gives the base-10 Champernowne number.
ColorRules is an option for ArrayPlot which specifies how colors of cells should be determined from values.
Contours is an option for contour plots that specifies the contours to draw.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Control[{u, dom}] represents an interactive control for the variable u in the domain dom, with the type of control chosen to be appropriate for the domain ...
DynamicModuleValues is an option for DynamicModule that stores downvalues of local symbols.
EllipticK[m] gives the complete elliptic integral of the first kind K(m).
ExtentMarkers is an option to DiscretePlot and DiscretePlot3D that specifies markers to draw at extent boundaries.
ExtractArchive[file] expands an archive file, saving its content into the current directory.ExtractArchive[file, dir] saves the content of an archive file into directory ...
FindLinearRecurrence[list] finds if possible the minimal linear recurrence that generates list.FindLinearRecurrence[list, d] finds if possible the linear recurrence of ...
HaarWavelet[] represents a Haar wavelet.