(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) BesselJ[n, z] gives the Bessel function of the first kind J_n (z).
BitLength[n] gives the number of binary bits necessary to represent the integer n.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Boole[expr] yields 1 if expr is True and 0 if it is False.
CellEpilog is an option for Cell which gives an expression to evaluate after each ordinary evaluation of the contents of the cell.
CellOpen is an option for Cell that specifies whether the contents of a cell should be explicitly displayed.
CellProlog is an option to Cell that gives an expression to evaluate before each ordinary evaluation of the contents of the cell.
ColorData["scheme"] gives a function that generates colors in the named color scheme when applied to parameter values. ColorData["scheme", " property"] gives the specified ...
CopyFile["file_1", "file_2"] copies file_1 to file_2.
DefaultDuplicateCellStyle is a notebook option that specifies the default style to use for cells created by automatic duplication of other cells in the notebook.
DefaultFieldHintStyle is a low-level option for InputField that specifies the default style to use for displaying the field hint.