AnimateGraph[g, l] displays graph g with each element in the list l successively highlighted. Here l is a list containing vertices and edges of g. An optional flag, which ...
BinarySearch[l, k] searches sorted list l for key k and gives the position of l containing k, if k is present in l. Otherwise, if k is absent in l, the function returns (p + ...
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) Edges[g] gives the list of edges in g. Edges[g, All] gives the edges of g along with the graphics options associated with each edge. Edges[g, EdgeWeight] returns the list of ...
FromOrderedPairs[l] constructs an edge list representation from a list of ordered pairs l, using a circular embedding. FromOrderedPairs[l, v] uses v as the embedding for the ...
GridGraph[n, m] constructs an n*m grid graph, the product of paths on n and m vertices. GridGraph[p, q, r] constructs a p*q*r grid graph, the product of GridGraph[p, q] and a ...
ToOrderedPairs[g] constructs a list of ordered pairs representing the edges of the graph g.
All the functionality in DiscreteMath`ComputationalGeometry` is available through the new Computational Geometry Package.
New function BesselJZero has been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel. New function BesselYZero has been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel. ...
(Computational Geometry Package Symbol) ConvexHull[{{x_1, y_1}, {x_2, y_2}, ...}] yields the planar convex hull of the points {{x_1, y_1}, ...}, represented as a list of point indices arranged in counterclockwise ...
(Computer Arithmetic Package Symbol) Ulp[x] gives the size of an ulp for numbers near x.