CountryData["tag", " property"] gives the value of the specified property for the country, country-like entity, or group of countries specified by " tag".CountryData["tag", ...
RiceDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta]] represents a Rice distribution with shape parameters \[Alpha] and \[Beta].RiceDistribution[m, \[Alpha], \[Beta]] represents a ...
Restriction scripts can be very useful in managing sitewide installations of Mathematica. They can be used to prevent access to Mathematica by unauthorized users on the ...
CoefficientList[poly, var] gives a list of coefficients of powers of var in poly, starting with power 0. CoefficientList[poly, {var_1, var_2, ...}] gives an array of ...
While most built-in Mathematica functions follow the standard evaluation procedure, some important ones do not. For example, most of the Mathematica functions associated with ...
Notebook's Kernel specifies the kernel for a notebook.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Nest[f, expr, n] gives an expression with f applied n times to expr.
One of the important features of Mathematica is its ability to give you exact, symbolic, results for computations. There are, however, computations where it is just ...
StringInsert["string", " snew", n] yields a string with " snew" inserted starting at position n in " string". StringInsert["string", " snew", -n] inserts at position n from ...