GammaSimplify[expr] transforms gamma functions in expr, trying to either decrease the number of gamma functions, or convert combinations of them into more elementary ...
PolyGammaSimplify[expr] transforms polygamma functions in expr, trying to either decrease the number of polygamma functions, or convert combinations of them into more ...
PolyLogSimplify[expr] transforms polylogarithm functions in expr, trying to either decrease the number of polylogarithm functions, or convert combinations of them into more ...
ZetaSimplify[expr] transforms zeta functions in expr, trying to either decrease the number of zeta functions, or convert combinations of them into more elementary functions.
DifferentialEquationTrek is a setting for the option TrekGenerator that specifies that treks are generated from the phase space of the numerical solution of a differential ...
ExtensionDegree[f] gives the degree of the extension of the field f over its base field.
FromElementCode[f, code] gives the field element of f associated with code, a non-negative integer less than the field size of f.
PowerListToField[list] gives the field associated with list of element data parts list, where the elements are generated by successive powers of a primitive element.
Successor[e] gives the next element in a canonical ordering of the field elements.
OrderStarSymbolThickness is an option to OrderStarPlot that specifies the thickness of the outline of the symbols used to represent interpolation points, poles and zeros.