TextureCoordinateScaling is an option to Plot3D and similar functions that specifies whether arguments supplied to a texture coordinate function should be scaled to lie ...
$ByteOrdering gives the native ordering of bytes in binary data on your computer system.
$FrontEndSession is a global symbol that represents the current session of the front end from which the kernel is being run.
The differential equations that arise in modern applications often have discontinuous coefficients. DSolve can handle a wide variety of such ODEs with piecewise coefficients. ...
Overview Supported Development Platforms Installing the MathLink Components
Testing for numeric quantities. Pi is a symbol, so Pi+3 is not explicitly a number. It does however have a numerical value.
$CUDADeviceCount gives the number of CUDA devices on the system.
This example shows how to use a private database to store Mathematica commands and query the data from Java and Mathematica. If you find that the examples in this section do ...
EndModal[] is the head of an expression sent by Java to signal the end of a DoModal[] loop.
mint MTensor_getType (MTensor t) gets the type of an MTensor.