GUIObject[root, args] represents a live interface instance with root widget root, wrapping the active widgets and environment.
(GUIKit Package Symbol) Script[scriptcode] defines a script to be used either on load or during an event.
Widget["Timer"] creates a timed action.
Even though the GUIKit widget expression was designed with user interface issues in mind, you can construct object trees unrelated to user interface widgets and still take ...
OpenTruncate[expr] truncates each edge of each polygon in graphics expression expr without filling in with a polygon.OpenTruncate[expr, ratio] truncates to the specified ...
(Polyhedron Operations Package Symbol) Truncate[expr] truncates each edge of each polygon in graphics expression expr.Truncate[expr, ratio] truncates to the specified ratio of the edge length.
ToCompactXML[expr] generates an equivalent SymbolicXML expression that suppresses all the redundant namespace information for elements and attributes in expr. ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: image/svg+xml SVG vector graphics format. Intended for two-dimensional vector graphics on the web. Partially supported by several web browsers and browser ...
ConwayGroupCo3[] represents the sporadic simple Conway group Co_3.
CoshIntegral[z] gives the hyperbolic cosine integral Chi(z).