ConnectedComponents[g] gives the vertices of graph g partitioned into connected components.
CubeConnectedCycle[d] returns the graph obtained by replacing each vertex in a d-dimensional hypercube by a cycle of length d. Cube-connected cycles share many properties ...
CycleStructure[p, x] returns the monomial in x[1], x[2], ..., x[Length[p]] that is the cycle structure of the permutation p.
CyclicGroupIndex[n, x] returns the cycle index of the cyclic group on n symbols, expressed as a polynomial in x[1], x[2], ..., x[n].
DeBruijnSequence[a, n] returns a De Bruijn sequence on the alphabet a, a shortest sequence in which every string of length n on alphabet a occurs as a contiguous subsequence.
DegreeSequence[g] gives the sorted degree sequence of graph g.
DeleteCycle[g, c] deletes a simple cycle c from graph g. c is specified as a sequence of vertices in which the first and last vertices are identical. g can be directed or ...
DihedralGroupIndex[n, x] returns the cycle index of the dihedral group on n symbols, expressed as a polynomial in x[1], x[2], ..., x[n].
DihedralGroup[n] returns the dihedral group on n symbols. Note that the order of this group is 2 n.
EdgeColoring[g] uses Brelaz's heuristic to find a good, but not necessarily minimal, edge coloring of graph g.