The raw SQL command DELETE deletes data from a database. An alternative is to use the Mathematica command SQLDelete, described in "Deleting Data". If you find that the ...
The raw SQL command UPDATE updates data in a database. An alternative is to use the Mathematica command SQLUpdate, described in "Updating Data". If you find that the examples ...
Launching Java, InstallJava -- launch the Java runtime and prepare it for use from Mathematica, ReinstallJava -- quit and restart the Java runtime, UninstallJava -- quit the ...
AddPeriodical[expr, interval] adds the computation expr to the set of operations that are periodically performed automatically.
BeginJavaBlock[] begins an evaluation block equivalent to a JavaBlock, except that it works across a larger span than the evaluation of a single expression.
EndJavaBlock[] ends an evaluation block equivalent to a JavaBlock, except that it works across a larger span than the evaluation of a single expression.
JavaClass[classname, n] represents a Java class with the specified name.
LoadedJavaObjects[] returns a list of the Java objects that have been sent to Mathematica (and not yet released with ReleaseJavaObject).
MakeJavaExpr[expr] constructs a new Java object of the J/Link Expr class that represents the Mathematica expression expr.
ReleaseJavaObject[javaobject] tells the Java memory-management system to forget about any references to the specified JavaObject that are being maintained solely for the sake ...