PairedZTest[data] tests whether the mean of the data is zero. PairedZTest[{data_1, data_2}] tests whether the means of data_1 and data_2 are equal.PairedZTest[dspec, ...
VarianceTest[data] tests whether the variance of the data is one. VarianceTest[{data_1, data_2}] tests whether the variances of data_1 and data_2 are ...
COperator[oper, arg_1, ...] is a symbolic representation of an operator.
Matrices are represented in Mathematica with lists. They can be entered directly with the { } notation, constructed from a formula, or imported from a data file. Mathematica ...
SignTest[data] tests whether the median of data is zero. SignTest[{data_1, data_2}] tests whether the median of data_1\[Dash] data_2 is zero.SignTest[dspec, \[Mu] 0] tests a ...
The fundamental type of distribution in reliability analysis is a lifetime distribution. This models the lifetime of a component or a system. Many lifetime distributions are ...
Because GPUs are SIMD machines, to exploit CUDA's potential you must pose the problem in an SIMD manner. Computation that can be partitioned in such a way that each thread ...
Building large software systems in Mathematica should follow the general principles that apply to building any large software system. The details may be unique to Mathematica ...
CStandardMathOperator[oper, args] is a symbolic representation of a standard math operator.
A remote kernel in use may fail at any time, due to hardware, network, or software problems. A failure of a remote kernel will be noticed the next time Parallel Computing ...