RotationTransform[\[Theta]] gives a TransformationFunction that represents a rotation in 2D by \[Theta] radians about the origin.RotationTransform[\[Theta], p] gives a 2D ...
InitializationGroup is an option for the first cell of a cell group that specifies whether the group should be tagged to be evaluated by the Mathematica kernel when the ...
CountryData["tag", " property"] gives the value of the specified property for the country, country-like entity, or group of countries specified by " tag".CountryData["tag", ...
Lists are at the core of Mathematica 's symbolic language. These "How tos" give step-by-step instructions for common tasks related to creating and manipulating lists.
Ordinary mathematical functions in Mathematica are always "listable", so that they are immediately applied in parallel across lists. Mathematica provides a wide variety of ...
Lists are central constructs in Mathematica that are used to represent collections, arrays, sets, and sequences of all kinds. Well over a thousand built-in functions ...
At the core of Mathematica is the foundational idea that everything —data, programs, formulas, graphics, documents—can be represented as symbolic expressions. And it is this ...
MathKernel options starts the Mathematica kernel in Windows and Mac OS X.
Pure functions. When you use functional operations such as Nest and Map, you always have to specify a function to apply. In all the examples above, we have used the "name" of ...
PartitionMap[f, list, n] applies f to list after partitioning into nonoverlapping sublists of length n. PartitionMap[f, list, n, d] applies f to sublists obtained by ...